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Friday, April 6, 2007

On Yesterday's Post

In reading my post yesterday about iPod's headphones, I got to thinking about how most people turn the volume up so high because the outside noise is so much louder.

I did a little research, looked around at other people's opinions on the matter, and I looked at this article written by Lee Blue called "Cranking The Volume on Your iPod or Mp3 Player Can Damage Hearing". Boy that was a mouth full. But here's a little bit in there that I thought was very interesting and quite frightening:

"In addition, people often listen to these devices while they are on the go, and have a tendency to crank the volume in an attempt to drown outside noise, further posing a risk to our hearing. Using the earbud style headphones during activities such as exercise, for example, puts the user at a greater risk. During exercise, blood, which can act as a buffer, is diverted from the ears to other parts of the body – so our already vulnerable hearing is in even more jeopardy."

Now, I listen to music while I lift weights. And I max out the volume. I have to. It gets me in the zone. Keeps me motivated. Little did I know it could potentially shoot my hearing down.

So, another encouragement to those of you like me, and too stubborn not to turn it down. Your iPods are great for working out. Just take care that those little beauties are killing your ears. This doesn't go for just the iPod, it goes for every mp3 Player that has the earbud style headphones.

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