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Wednesday, April 25, 2007


I just had a question about the battery life of the iPod.

Although chargeable batteries are great in so many things, they are not infinite. Most chargeable batteries are worn down faster with overcharging, or waiting to charge the battery until it is all the way drained of power.

Although the former is not an issue with iPod batteries (the over charging) one tip that I can give you is to NOT wait to charge your iPod until it is totally drained. In fact, this can hurt your battery life faster.

Although I am not quite sure exactly what the average battery life is for an iPod battery in peak condition at all times, you can take measures to keeping your battery healthy longer by keeping the battery charged at all times.

- Charge the iPod directly after taking it out of the box.
- Unhook the entire charger from the iPod. Leaving the iPod hooked into the charger can drain the power.

To answer the problem - an iPod Battery consists of roughly 500 cycles (all the way low, and then fully charged equals one). Keeping the battery healthy may actually prolong your listening ability.


Unknown said...

Thanks for the blog... That information is really helpful.

Anonymous said...

blah ! hey there! good to see you! thanks for the great post!

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