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Monday, April 2, 2007

Do You Have an iPod?

Did you know that the iPod is the top seller of legal digital media and digital media electronics? Probably so, you know someone who has one, if you don't own one yourself.

But, I mean, how on earth did they pull that off? Reaching the top in one of the highest competitive personal entertainment niches the earth has ever seen is no easy task.

Since the iPod was first injected into the media world in '01, millions have been sold. Nearly everyone bought one, and the purchase count for the iPod has been well over 3 million iPods since that day. And the funny thing is, it STILL continues to grow.

In a study, within the 3 months of April to June in the year '04, nearly 850,000 iPod and iPod minis were purchased. That’s almost a staggering 10,000 iPods/iPod minis in one single day!

Let's chop it down a little more, because that’s 398 an hour. Or how about just shy of 7 per minute – of every hour, of every day, for three entire months! It's insane, and I would not have to venture very far to say that if you didn't own an iPod, you knew someone who did.

It's true, and sad. After 2 years, no one was asking if you were going to get an iPod. Oh no. They didn't care if you were going to buy one, where you were going to get it, and so on. The biggest question burning in everyone's mind was: "where is your iPod?" Everyone assumed you had one, and you assumed everyone else had one too.

So is it safe to say that the iPod is popular? Yes. But what on earth made it so?

That's what I'm going to find out. Something that sells more than 3 million units has to have something backing up it's popularity. After the first million, people'd complain if the product was bad. After it wouldn't have gotten to a second million if people were telling their friends it was a waste of money. So when something hit's 3 million, you either have a good product - or mind control.

So tell me, where is your iPod?

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